💎 Weekly Gems (24.06 – 30.06)

Second week and I’m still doing it, yay me!

I’m reading Cari Mora (newest book by Thomas Harris) but it’s awful. But I’m not ditching books because of my FOMO. (Well, someone printed that, so maybe the ending will be worth the misery.)

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Complete guide: Tweetdeck with 280-characters tweets

A few days ago Twitter finally increased the character limit. Doubled it actually, so now, instead of 140, we’ve got 280 characters. Woo-hoo!

It’s not yet available to everyone, but there is a way to enable it in Tweetdeck in few quite simple steps. continue reading

Why is Mastodon better than Twitter?

I found out about Mastodon only a few days ago, but I already know that I’ll stay there for a while. And it already feels like home.

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