Quickly achieved lazy-loading

Lazy loading is one of those easy wins, that will please Google PageSpeed score. It’s also a nice gesture for all your readers, that are using a poor or metered connection.

If you’re using WordPress, the fastest way is to use one of 27354 plugins available in WordPress’ repository. You can use a dedicated solution that does only that, or maybe turn on that option inside Autoptimize plugin (that I highly recommend).

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Little snippets #1: CSS only mobile menu

Mobile menu made entirely in CSS. You may probably think, that it’s nothing new and everyone already did that.

Yeah, well, maybe, probably. But this is better (or just cooler).

Did you use pointer-events: none; ? Nah? Did you make super-cool and super-easy animations with Font Awesome? Did you really take care of the traps that could be a challenge for some browsers? 

Well, let me show you then.

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WordPress tutorial: Comment reply notifications with 40 lines of code

If you’re tired of Disqus and Jetpack, then you need to switch back to default WordPress comments. And it hurts.

Both, Disqus and Jetpack do two things: spam prevention and notifications. Plus Disqus looks good, while Jetpack needs some styling. But that’s another case.

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