4 cool things you can do with box-shadow

I think it even might be a series! You know, X cool things you can do with Y. Might be fun! And it also looks like something both: interesting and easy-enough to write, so I won’t start and ditch it after a while. Maybe!

So, ladies and gentlemen! Our first guest is box-shadow. Let’s welcome them to the stage!

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6 tricks to make your CSS file smaller

…without making it look weird or/and hard to read.

1. if it’s 0, drop the units

Easy. If you’re setting a margin, padding, box-shadow or anything like that, you can just put 0 instead 0px. 0 in CSS is always a zero.

The difference is usually 2 characters.

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💎 Weekly Gems (24.06 – 30.06)

Second week and I’m still doing it, yay me!

I’m reading Cari Mora (newest book by Thomas Harris) but it’s awful. But I’m not ditching books because of my FOMO. (Well, someone printed that, so maybe the ending will be worth the misery.)

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Little snippets #1: CSS only mobile menu

Mobile menu made entirely in CSS. You may probably think, that it’s nothing new and everyone already did that.

Yeah, well, maybe, probably. But this is better (or just cooler).

Did you use pointer-events: none; ? Nah? Did you make super-cool and super-easy animations with Font Awesome? Did you really take care of the traps that could be a challenge for some browsers? 

Well, let me show you then.

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Why Facebook should find new CSS people

If you have a fanpage on Facebook and you’re a perfectionist, then you probably noticed at least one absolutely annoying thing hidden inside theirs CSS code… continue reading