💎 Weekly Gems (16 – 22 May 2022)

I thought it’d be nice to come back to this series. It should at least get me into the rhythm of writing and that’s a good enough reason, to be honest.

The idea is simple: I gather interesting links to websites, shops, video game trailers and news. Anything that I found worth reading/looking over/buying. Be prepared for frontend coding, nice books and usually some game-related content as well.


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Little snippets #1: CSS only mobile menu

Mobile menu made entirely in CSS. You may probably think, that it’s nothing new and everyone already did that.

Yeah, well, maybe, probably. But this is better (or just cooler).

Did you use pointer-events: none; ? Nah? Did you make super-cool and super-easy animations with Font Awesome? Did you really take care of the traps that could be a challenge for some browsers? 

Well, let me show you then.

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