6 tricks to make your CSS file smaller

…without making it look weird or/and hard to read.

1. if it’s 0, drop the units

Easy. If you’re setting a margin, padding, box-shadow or anything like that, you can just put 0 instead 0px. 0 in CSS is always a zero.

The difference is usually 2 characters.

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Quickly achieved lazy-loading

Lazy loading is one of those easy wins, that will please Google PageSpeed score. It’s also a nice gesture for all your readers, that are using a poor or metered connection.

If you’re using WordPress, the fastest way is to use one of 27354 plugins available in WordPress’ repository. You can use a dedicated solution that does only that, or maybe turn on that option inside Autoptimize plugin (that I highly recommend).

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Best games of 2019

Disclaimer: The games won’t have to be released in 2019 to make that list. And obviously, these are my favourite games for 2019. They’re definitely not the best games of 2019 in general.

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Congeria – Shudder’s exclusive podcast experience

Since I learned how to use my headphones and I need to kill more than one hour every day when I’m on a bus, I started exploring things. I was listening to Lore on Deezer, but the app doesn’t really want to save the progress if I had to stop somewhere in the middle of a 40-minute-long episode. What else then? Apparently, podcast series on Shudder!

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💎 Weekly Gems (1.07 – 7.07)

I honestly have no idea what happened to last week. It was Monday, I remember, and then somehow I ended up preparing everything for next week. You know, that I haven’t even played PUBG or Battlefield? Just Apex Legends. Weird.

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💎 Weekly Gems (24.06 – 30.06)

Second week and I’m still doing it, yay me!

I’m reading Cari Mora (newest book by Thomas Harris) but it’s awful. But I’m not ditching books because of my FOMO. (Well, someone printed that, so maybe the ending will be worth the misery.)

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💎 Weekly gems (17.06 – 23.06)

Besides reading books (Hi Spiral, I finally managed to meet the last page!) and watching Netflix (Hello Slasher, my love, I really haven’t seen that coming!), sometimes I read stuff online! Surprise. And that’s gonna be a list of interesting things I come across every week.

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Cute little CSS bug in Chrome

Okay, it’ll be quick.

Chrome: version 71

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Getting ready for 2019

Phew. What a year, right?

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Little snippets #1: CSS only mobile menu

Mobile menu made entirely in CSS. You may probably think, that it’s nothing new and everyone already did that.

Yeah, well, maybe, probably. But this is better (or just cooler).

Did you use pointer-events: none; ? Nah? Did you make super-cool and super-easy animations with Font Awesome? Did you really take care of the traps that could be a challenge for some browsers? 

Well, let me show you then.

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